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Writer's pictureDebra Wright

Temperance - The Fruit of Mastering - Power Uninhibited

Good afternoon Doves! Trusting that you have been blessed and strengthened by our short series on "Temperance", today we will conclude with a short, informative note on one last area of concern. Now, while there are many areas more we could explore, I believe we have explored those that our Lord has given great concern towards for these postings.

I also would like to encourage you, if you desire, to ask questions, if there is a concern on the subjects we have approached in these postings on "Temperance". After all, the Doves Cry is also a teaching aspect of ministry. We certainly want everyone to get the understanding needed to be able to function in the victory this great "Fruit of Mastering" yields to us, through "Temperance". There are no dumb questions! We are directed in the Holy Scriptures - "Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding" (Proverbs 4:7)!

Doves, we are family and family talks to/with family. Therefore, ask, ask, ask! "Get the understanding"! I'm sure you heard the saying, "what you don't know can't hurt you"... Well, the truth is, "what you don't know can kill you", given the right timing and circumstances! So, ask, ask, ask! Our adversary Satan, is not out to just hurt us; his goal is to kill us!

And so today, we are considering the benefit yielded by the "Master Fruit of Temperance" known as "Power Uninhibited". And we are not just talking about the authoritative power (exousia) vs. the active manifested power (dunamis). We are talking about both. Reason being that we are endowed with both types of power via the New Birth of Water & Spirit in Christ Jesus and the authority of the Name of Jesus!

Now, quickly let's consider how "Temperance" plays a most important part in this arena, and how it applies to the "Power Uninhibited" being active within/through us....... If you go to your Bible and read (Matthew 4:1-11), which teaches us the aspects of the Temptation of Christ in the wilderness by Satan you will see explicitly how and to what degree "Temperance" manifested "Power Uninhibited" at the time needed in Jesus, the Christ's life. Let's look.....

(Matthew 4:2) Jesus had (already done) fasted 40-days/nights. Here temperance is acquired through subduing of the fleshly appetites; bringing the whole man - body, soul and spirit under subjection; "The Way Up is Down Doves"....

(Matthew 4:2) Afterward he was hungry. The flesh was limited in power of appetite, and no doubt limited/subdued in power of it's own natural accord; "Humbled, but not hurt physically"...

(Matthew 4:4) The Word of God immediately and freely came forth in proper context to squelch the situation of temptation by the enemy. This is the same way the Holy Spirit will work through us Doves, when the soil is properly cultivated without having to contend with the flesh in order to get to the real spiritual battle...

(Matthew 4:7) Jesus immediately corrected the "wresting" of the Scripture by Satan, and was not confused because a portion of the Scripture had been quoted by Satan. He responded with "It is written".....

(Matthew 4:10 Jesus concluded the temptation by commanding Satan to make his exit by shutting down the temptation based on what the Scripture said. "It is written"....

It was because of the "Power Uninhibited" in Jesus' life, by "Temperance" that the battle was fought and won in this temptation of Satan. "Uninhibited Power" is the power of God, unrestrained or suppressed, freely flowing out of you, via the Holy Spirit. This is possible when the fleshly appetites, be it mental, physical or spiritual have and are being subdued by the practice and application of Temperance through our lives of humbling, fasting, praying, repenting and eating the Word of God (foundations of our lives in Christ Jesus). When our lives are given to these (by choice), the Spirit of the Living God is at liberty to loose and manifest it's "Power Uninhibited" in our lives. That power is not only for us, but for a lost and dying world at large!

On a last note Doves, I want to remind you of this one important thing about the battle(s) that are before us now and soon to come. Our adversary, Satan and his Hierarchy of Hell is not an Omniscient one. But by the same token they are not an "Ignorant Regime" either. The hierarchy of hell is on assignment to conquer and destroy the Body of Christ (that includes you /me) as a slap in the face of Jesus Christ, because of his defeat via the "Death, Burial & Resurrection". We are being studied continually by the forces of darkness. Where weakness and ineptness (showing no skill/clumsy and unsuitableness) we are a target for a trip to the wilderness!

Doves, let us, we must, we've got to hone (refine/perfect/give greater strength and power to) this great benefit of manifested "Uninhibited Power", through "Temperance" the "Fruit of Mastering"......

Blessings & Power to You Doves!

Debra Wright

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